On April 1st, WebinarKit will be transitioning to our new video system. This new video system allows for higher quality videos, faster loading videos, and the ability to instantly switch your webinar funnel videos without any processing delay.
Because of this switch, any videos on our old system will need to be downloaded and then re-uploaded to the new system. You can check if you have videos on our old system by going to the following page: https://webinarkit.com/videos/old 
If you see a message stating that you're already on the new video system, you don't need to do anything.
If you see any videos listed on the page linked above, and you wish to keep them in your account in the future for use in webinars, registration pages, thank you pages, etc... you will need to download the video and then re-upload the video to the new system.
Please note, after April 1st, any webinar funnels that use videos uploaded to the old system will no longer function correctly!
The videos will remain downloadable for a period of time after April 1st from the page linked above but they will no longer work in funnels. Starting April 1st, all funnels will use our new video system.