IMPORTANT: If you are using our embeddable registration form OR a custom domain, YOU MUST provide your own CAPTCHA site key/secret key, otherwise registrations WILL NOT work. See the section below labeled "CAPTCHAs for registration pages using a custom domain OR embeddable registration forms" to see exactly how to set this up.
Unfortunately, spam and bots are commonplace on the internet today. Because of that, occasionally bots and spammers might target your event registration page and flood your event with fake registratants.
In order to combat this, WebinarKit supports CAPTCHAs via Google reCAPTCHA v3. CAPTCHAs are essentially a technique of detecting whether a human being or bot is interacting with a web page.
Thanks to Google reCAPTCHA v3, the process of detecting human beings versus bots takes place "under the hood" and should not affect a real person's experience with a web page. Only bots should be affected and prevented from using the web page.
CAPTCHAs for registration pages using ""
If you're just using a regular WebinarKit registration page available on "", enabling CAPTCHAs is super easy. Just go to the registration page editor for your webinar, open up the "Page opt-in fields" section, and enable the "Enable CAPTCHA" option.
That's it! CAPTCHAs are now enabled for your webinar registration page.
CAPTCHAs for registration pages using a custom domain OR embeddable registration forms
If you're using a WebinarKit registration page but under a custom domain OR you are using our embeddable registration form on your own website or custom landing page, there are some extra steps required if you want to enable CAPTCHAs.
IMPORTANT: If you enable CAPTCHAs in your webinar settings without following these steps exactly, webinar registrations will not work properly for any page visitors. Please ensure you follow these steps carefully and do a test registration afterwards to ensure everything is working correctly.
Start by registering your domain with Google reCAPTCHA at
When registering your site, fill out the fields as shown in the screenshot/instructions below.
- Enter in a label for the site you're registering (this can be anything you want).
- Select "reCAPTCHA v3"
- Enter in the custom domains you are using with WebinarKit or the website domain you are using with WebinarKit's embeddable registration forms.
- Enter any email addresses you want to be owners for this site registration.
- Accept the terms of service.
- Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page.
After registering your site with Google reCAPTCHA, you'll be shown your "Site key" and "Secret key" as shown in the screenshot below.
You now need to enter these keys into your webinar registration page settings. Go to the registration page editor for your webinar, open up the "Page opt-in fields" section, and enable the "Enable CAPTCHA" option.
Then paste the "site key" and "secret key" into the respective fields as shown in the screenshot below.
Please note: If you are using our embeddable registration form, you'll need to re-embed the HTML/code snippet into your website/custom landing page.
And that's it! CAPTCHAs should now be enabled for your registration pages under your custom domain AND/OR websites using the embeddable registration form.